The Trees of Mowry apartments (located in Hardknott and Scafell regions) currently has two vacant pods ready for renters. One of them is located in the East Tree at Hardknott (146, 219, 97); the other one is the Scafell Tree at Scafell (135, 10, 75). Both of them are available at the lease rate of L$300 per week for 150 prims; include locking doors, privacy windows and security system, as well as the ability to set parcel media stream. The pods are 331-square meter octagonal apartments in the treehouse style, constructed by Alazarin Mondrian. For information contact myself, Elisha Paklena, or visit the Trees of Mowry infocenter at Hardknott (110,228,59)These units have been rented. Thanks!
Fair winds and following seas!